Welcome to WoodnWax

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Our Story

After some deliberating on whether to take the plunge or not…here we are! WOOD & WAX is a family run business and we pride ourselves on our candles smelling great and lasting for hours. After lots of testing (and we did a lot of testing!) we found our perfect mix for maximum burn time and amazing scents.

We’re very proud to say that the hard work and lengthy trials have paid off, and we’d like to celebrate our first product launch with you!

  • Original container:

    The sleek aluminium container allows the wax to melt evenly which works well with the scent throw and minimalistic design.

  • Geo Jars:

    Geometric in design, eye pleasing & stylish on the mantelpiece. The ‘Geo jar’ looks great and demands a conversation as soon as the scent hits you.

    Learn more 
  • Lids:

    No candle is complete without a lid – they seal in the scent and improve your candle’s shelf life and transportability.